Tag: tea

Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe – Sneak Peek!

Keep calm & kitty on…because the long-awaited Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe is officially opening this Saturday, 26th September 2015! Yes, we can hardly contain our excitement over the sheer idea … Continue reading Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe – Sneak Peek!

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Fishing it Out!

Ohhhh, what the fish? What’s all these fishie business about? Well, we are here to seek for yummy fishies in the mall and they can come in any form. Soooo, fishy, fishy where art thou yummy in Sunway Pyramid? We scoured and scoured the mall and found: 

Smoked Salmon Salad (CLASSIC) - Cappriciosa
Smoked Salmon Salad (CLASSIC) – Cappriciosa

Smoked Salmon Salad (CLASSIC) – Cappriciosa
Tears of joy just stream from our eyes at the sight of this yummilicious dish appearing on our table. Okay, maybe we exaggerate but… it’s true… salvation is here in the form of Capricciosa’s Smoked Salmon Salad. Not only healthy but fresh too, seasoned to the taste of perfection. Please, give us more…  

Salmon Zukushi - Sakae Sushi
Salmon Zukushi – Sakae Sushi

Salmon Zukushi – Sakae Sushi
Fresh. That’s the first thing that crossed our minds when we took a bite into the soft, Salmon Zukushi from Sakae Sushi. You can taste the artistry in this dish that can only be done by a chef that has years of experience. We can’t get enough but… yeah… we’re stuffed.  

Salmon Sushi - MOF
Salmon Sushi – MOF

Salmon Sushi – MOF
MOF is new to this salmon sushi business and you can taste it. It has only been introduced to the menu early this year. It has a long way more to improve. The salmon just falls flat, that’s too bad. We recommend you try other dishes then.   

Sweet and Sour Star Garoupa Fish
Sweet and Sour Star Garoupa Fish

Sweet and Sour Star Garoupa – Xia Mian Guan
Okayyyy, enough of salmon already. Let’s move on to cooked fish. We’ve mentioned about this fish before and we mentioned how Xia Mian Guan excelled in their fishy dishes. This fish is fresh and fried just nice to our taste. It is crispy and although chefs can’t go wrong with sweet and sour flavours, this restaurant has definitely set a higher bar to this dish – not only was the fish excellent to taste, the ingredients – the prawns were generous in size and the meat and sauce were in harmony. To read more on Xia Mian Guan’s food review, click here.

* Non-halal 

Pan Seared Norwegian Salmon - Brussels Beer Cafe
Pan Seared Norwegian Salmon – Brussels Beer Cafe

Pan Seared Norwegian Salmon – Brussels Beer Café
Oooooh. How can a dish like that have so very many flavours? The pan seared Norwegian Salmon is fresh, and as we bite into the fish, it was an explosion of flavours, sweet, savoury taste that lingers in your mouth.

* Non-halal

Fish Finger Basket - Studio Lounge
Fish Finger Basket – Studio Lounge

Fish Finger Basket – Studio Lounge
You can’t go wrong with fish fingers. Crispy and fried to golden brown, this is the perfect dish to nibble at when you are chatting with friends while dancing the night away at Studio Lounge, or just having a drink to chill out at night after work.

* Non-halal

Fish and Squid - Gardens Lifestyle Cafe and Store
Fish and Squid – Gardens Lifestyle Cafe and Store

Fish and Squid – Gardens Lifestyle Cafe & Store
Hmmm. Yes, the fish and squid dish in Gardens Lifestyle Café is crispy, nicer if it is served hot. It took awhile for the food to come and we guess that is when we take in the romantic atmosphere in.  

Double Boiled Chicken with Fish Maw in Superior Soup -Dragon i
Double Boiled Chicken with Fish Maw in Superior Soup -Dragon i

Double Boiled Chicken with Fish Maw in Superior Soup -Dragon i
A dish fit for the king, or queen! Yep, this is a luxurious dish. The bowl is choked full of ingredients – fish maw is soft, and cooked just right, and in Chinese, it’s called ‘enough fire’ or ‘gao foh hau’. Chicken is soft and melts in your mouth as the flavours disappear into your tastebuds. Give your parents a treat and bring them here to taste the finest bowl of soup at Dragon-i. 

* Non-halal

Wow! Who knows that there can be so much of aspects to think about when it comes to fish? Oh yum! What we know from all these is that a fish has to be served fresh (said many times in this blog) and steaming hot. They can also be served in many various forms, depending on which occasion it is… whether you like them raw, grilled, fried, steamed or cooked. Speaking of which, have you tried cooking a fish before? Can you cook?

The Loaf

“Looks can be deceiving”, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” – so go a lot of proverbs and sayings about not to take things as how they appear.

Well, we could say the same for The Loaf, as initially, though we were really, really, really keen on buying the food from there, we kinda hesitated a bit as we thought..

“If it’s co-owned by the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, surely only the rich and famous go there, leaving us mere mortals to buy breads and buns at our local neighbourhood bakeries?”


The Loaf located near the Orange Concourse at LG2
The Loaf located near the Orange Concourse at LG2

The Loaf, opened for business in Sunway Pyramid just a few months back, offers prices a price range which is slightly expensive than your usual, local neighbourhood bakeries for some reasons:

1 – The Loaf is a gourmet bakery, but still caters to everybody from all walks of life

2 – The Loaf specialises in making premium fresh breads and pastries with traditional Japanese techniques.

3 – The Loaf offer traditional and local delicacies, and creative and innovative baked goods.

4 – The Loaf only uses the finest local and imported ingredients, especially from Japan.

5 – The Loaf puts the emphasis in creative presentation so that everything looks delicious – and they certainly are!

Let’s start the attempts to make you guys drool, okay!

Spice Up Your Life with These Lovely Spicy Breads
Spice Up Your Life with These Lovely Spicy Breads
For spicier choices, here are more to choose from
For spicier choices, here are more to choose from

We kick-started the food tasting with the Spicy Breads, which included the:

  • Hot beef with curry (The spicier, the better!)
  • Chilli prawn (some of us didn’t take prawns due to seafood allergy, oh but the rest, who tasted it…just melted with satisfaction!!)
  • Green Potato (Double the carbs = potato + bread)
  • Rajma (which was filled with kidney beans, with added chillies)
  • Curry rendang (this one was a hit with everyone!)
  • Tuna curry (Hmm….drool….it was soooo good)
  • Potato Tandoori (It could do with a little bit more spiciness)
  • Anchovies (another HIT, it was finished in seconds!) 
They look almost too good too be true. Yummm!!!
They look almost too good too be true. Yummm!!!

Ohhhh!!!!!!! Yummmmmmmm!!!!

The Loaf’ prides itself in incorporating the Japanese and European (French specifically) baking techniques, resulting in excellent and exquisite taste of breads and pastries.

Have we mentioned that the buns can be heated upon request before you take them home? So are the bagels, and we tried the Cranberry Bagel and chicken ham, among many that was presented upon us.

Cranberry Bagel and Ham
Cranberry Bagel and Ham

Word of advice – eat the bagels while they’re hot, just out of the oven, and spread a generous amount of cream cheese on it for extra oommpphh!

Salmon Cheese Bagel
Salmon Cheese Bagel

For those watching their waistline, the Salmon with cheese on the bagel is recommended, for its high carb, low sugar contents. Who said healthy food is not tasty?

The Croissant
The Croissant

The Loaf’s Croissant is definitely worth every bit of 27 layers of it! Made using imported Japanese flour, it’s so awesome that you can even eat it on its own (ehem) without jam or butter! Two-thumbs up!

The Cube 60°C coffee

Okay, we have to admit, the drinks at The Loaf are not cheap. But, allow us to tempt you with the signature drink – be the Cube 60°C – something a little bit different from your usual coffee.

The Cube 60° has a peculiar taste of uniquely-brewed coffee, containing espresso cubes frozen to -60°C in imported deep freezer, with added milk.

We were told that the deep freezing process would help to concentrate the richness of the blended coffee beans.

The verdict? Love love love it!

The rest of the coffee drinks that we tried were Latte, in which the bittersweet taste is just as nice, and the Espresso – thick enough, without leaving the heavy coffee aftertaste in the throat.

Laksa Kedah
Laksa Kedah

One of us is not a fan of laksa, but somehow she really enjoyed the taste of The Loaf’s Laksa! She said with the generous amount of fish meat in the thick gravy, the laksa noodle is just sublime!

Prawn Mee
Prawn Mee

The prawn mee was a bit too watery for our liking, and the strong just didn’t hit us well as the laksa did.

One thing great though – the prawns were HUGE!!

Cranberry Cheese
Cranberry Cheese

The best seller was the cranberry cheese, with 100 pieces sold per day. It truly had that melt in your mouth kind of effect, with that creamy cheese filling, studded with dried sour cranberries. Hmmm….

Ayam Percik
Ayam Percik

Ayam percik was another favourite, as the accompanying side dishes were a great complement to the whole meal. The rice was cooked just right – it was neither over nor under cooked.

We initially thought that the chef had used a different, more expensive rice, but upon checking with him – “Well, we just used normal rice, but it’s the technique of cooking the rice that makes a whole lot of difference”.

When we pressed on knowing the ‘technique’ or ‘secret’, he remained tight-lipped.

Oh well, some things need to be guarded close to the heart J

And so, feeling oh-so-stuffed with the treats from The Loaf, we are now firm believers of ‘You got to try it to believe it’ mantra.

That, and also ‘Life’s short, lets try everything..TWICE’ – and that includes the rest of the goodies at The Loaf!

The Loaf's Chef
The Loaf’s Chef

The Loaf is located at LG2.72